123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001

Optimize Crops Yields with C-Crop Technology

Your Smartphone's Yield Monitoring Solution

Our Crops and Plantation Services

Our mobile precision service for optimal crop management provide easy access anywhere, anytime

Measuring clusters density

Accurately count the number of clusters per unit area to optimize thinning practices and improve yield estimation throughout the season. Gain valuable insights into your vineyards and make informed decisions for maximum productivity. Our service provides precise measurements starting from berries as small as 6mm in size.

measuring clusters size

Measure the size of clusters from top to bottom (in centimeters) in your vineyard for optimal trimming and to maximize yield. Obtain accurate data on cluster size to enhance your vineyard management practices. Our service is available for berries starting from 6mm in size.

Measuring Number of berries

Count the number of berries within clusters to improve yield estimation and monitor berry development throughout the growing season. Our service covers berries starting from 16mm in size.

Measuring berries size

Measure the berry sizes within clusters (in millimeters) to improve thinning practices, monitor berry development, and track yield throughout the growing season. Gain insights into the size variations of berries for more precise management decisions Our service is available for berries starting from 16mm in size.

Exploring Yield Distribution on Your Field Map


Improve Your Decision-Making

Gain high-resolution yield visibility for making informed decisions throughout the value chain.

Field management

Optimize yield, improve quality, and save resources and time through accurate planning and execution.

Marketing and sales

Achieve better market positioning, pricing, and cost-effective logistics with early and accurate yield estimations.

Why Work With Us


Optimize yield, improve quality, and save resources and time through accurate planning and execution of operations.

Breeders and researchers

Measure yield components accurately, expedite the breeding process, and develop crop varieties with higher yield and quality.

Input companies

Test the effectiveness of products, optimize application methods, and develop new products that better meet farmers' needs.


Accurately estimate yield early in the season for effective logistics planning, better market positioning, and improved price negotiations.

Insurance companies

Assess claims' value more accurately and develop more effective risk management strategies.

Maximize Value Across the Value Chain with C-Crop Technology

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